SlideShow Commander Palm User Guide
by Rob Miller, Brad Myers
Updated for Version 5.0
SlideShow Commander allows the PDA user to control a PowerPoint presentation.
It also allows other attendees who using PebblesPC to annotate on the current
Buy the
PalmOS version of SlideShow Commander from Installigent (formerly Synergy
Solutions) or from Handango.
There are four panels for SlideShow Commander for Palm:
Scribble Panel
When a presentation is playing (when the "Slide Show" is being
viewed), then this shows a thumbnail of the current slide and allows all
Pebbles users to annotate the slide. There is only one cursor, so users
must take turns, but Pebbles automatically changes the color so each user
has a different color by default. As long as users take turns nicely,
their annotations will be in different colors.
Notes Panel
Displays the notes associated with the current slide. |
Titles Panel
Displays the list of slide titles, so the presenter can easily switch
to a different slide. |
Timer Panel
Displays a full-featured timer for use in timing a presentation. |