Pebbles Project Publications
Pebbles Publications and Talks
Best Current Reference For Pebbles
- Brad A. Myers "Using Hand-Held Devices and PCs Together,"
Communications of the ACM. Volume 44, Issue 11. November, 2001. pp.
34 - 41. pdf
Talks and Videos
- "Mobile Devices for Control", talk given as part of: CS547
: Stanford University Human-Computer Interaction Seminar on People, Computers,
and Design, November 22, 2002, Palo Alto, CA. Available as
streaming video (86min) (Warning: streaming
video link crashes Netscape 4.7!)
- "Using Handheld Computers and PCs Together" (an overview
of the Pebbles project). 90 minute talk given to the HCI Seminar Series, Carnegie
Mellon University, 11-17-1999. Click
here to download a video of this talk (in .asf format)
- Jacob O. Wobbrock and Brad A. Myers, "Adding gestural text entry to input devices for people with motor impairments", Chapter 14 in J. Lazar (ed.), Universal Usability. New York: John Wiley & Sons, To appear.
- Jacob O. Wobbrock and Brad A. Myers. "Enabling Devices, Empowering People: The Design and Evaluation of Trackball EdgeWrite," Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technologies, special issue on Accessibility. To appear.
- Jeffrey Nichols and Brad A. Myers, "Controlling Home and Office Appliances with Smartphones". IEEE Pervasive Computing, special issue on SmartPhones, Vol. 5, No. 3, July-Sept, 2006. pp. 60-67. pdf
- Jacob O. Wobbrock and Brad A. Myers, "From Letters to Words: Efficient Stroke-based Word Completion for Trackball Text Entry", 8th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility, ASSETS'06, Portland, OR, Oct. 23-25, 2006. pp. 2-9. pdf
- Jacob O. Wobbrock, Brad A. Myers, and Duen Horng Chau, "In-stroke Word Completion". ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, UIST'06, October 15-18, 2006, Montreux, Switzerland. pp. 333-336.
- Jeffrey Nichols, Brandon Rothrock, Duen Horng Chau, Brad A. Myers. "Huddle: Automatically Generating Interfaces for Systems of Multiple Connected Appliances" ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology,
UIST'06, October 15-18, 2006, Montreux, Switzerland. To appear.
- Jacob O. Wobbrock and Brad A. Myers, "Trackball Text Entry for People with Motor Impairments," Proceedings CHI'2006: Human Factors in Computing Systems. Montreal, Canada, April 22-27, 2006. pp. 479-488.
Winner, CHI 2006 Best Paper Award.
- Jeffrey Nichols, Brad A. Myers, Brandon Rothrock, "UNIFORM: Automatically Generating Consistent Remote Control User Interfaces," Proceedings CHI'2006: Human Factors in Computing Systems. Montreal, Canada, April 22-27, 2006. pp. 611-620.
- Jacob O. Wobbrock, Brad A. Myers and Brandon Rothrock, "Few-key Text Entry Revisited: Mnemonic Gestures on Four Keys," Proceedings CHI'2006: Human Factors in Computing Systems. Montreal, Canada, April 22-27, 2006. pp. 489-492.
- Duen Horng Chau, Jacob O. Wobbrock, Brad A. Myers, Brandon Rothrock. "Integrating Isometric Joysticks into Mobile Phones for Text Entry". Extended Abstracts, CHI'2006. Montreal, Canada, April 22-27, 2006.
pp. 640-645.
- Ivan E. Gonzalez, Jake Wobbrock, and Brad A. Myers. "Text Entry for Automobiles", ACM 2005 Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing Conference, Albuquerque, NM, October 19-22, 2005. (Poster presentation, Abstract only).
- Jacob O. Wobbrock and Brad A. Myers. "Gestural text entry on multiple devices." Demonstration Abstract. Proceedings of the ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS '05). Baltimore, Maryland (October 9-12, 2005). pp. 184-185.
- Brad Myers and Jacob Wobbrock. "Text Input to Handheld Devices for People with Physical Disabilities." 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI Interactional 2005)
. July 22-27, 2005. Las Vegas, NV. vol. 4, pp. 1962-1970. pdf
- Jacob O. Wobbrock and Brad A. Myers. "EdgeWrite: A New Text Entry Technique Designed for Stability." Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA'05). Atlanta, Georgia (June 23-27, 2005).
- Jacob O. Wobbrock and Brad A. Myers. "Accessible Handheld And Desktop Text Entry For People With Motor Impairments," 2005 NISH National Training & Achievement Conference, New Orleans, May 22-24, 2005. First place Winner, National Scholar Award for Workplace Innovation & Design.
- Jacob O. Wobbrock, Htet Htet Aung, Brandon Rothrock and Brad A. Myers. "Maximizing the Guessability of Symbolic Input" (Short Talk). Extended Abstracts CHI'2005: Human Factors in Computing Systems. Portland, OR, April 2-7, 2005. pp. 1869-1872. pdf.
- Jacob O. Wobbrock, Htet Htet Aung, Brad A. Myers, and Edmund F. LoPresti. "Integrated Text Entry from Power Wheelchairs." Behaviour and Information Technology. Vol. 24, no. 3. May-June 2005. pp. 187-203. BIT online
- Jacob O. Wobbrock and Brad A. Myers. "Analyzing the Input Stream for Character-level Errors in Unconstrained Text Entry Evaluations." ACM Transactions on Computer Human Interaction. To appear. pdf
- Jeffrey Nichols and Brad A. Myers, "Generating Consistent Interfaces for Appliances," in the Second Workshop on Multi-User and Ubiquitous User Interfaces (MU3I) at Intelligent User Interfaces IUI'05. January 9, 2005. San Diego, CA. pp. 9-10. pdf
- Brad A. Myers. "Using Handhelds for Wireless Remote Control of PCs and Appliances," Interacting with Computers, Elsevier Science Journals. 2005. Volume 17, Issue 3, May 2005, Pages 251-264. DOI ref or local pdf
- Brad A. Myers, Jeffrey Nichols, Jacob O. Wobbrock, and Robert C. Miller. "Taking Handheld Devices to the Next Level." IEEE Computer. December, 2004. vol. 37, no. 12. pp. 36-43. pdf
- Jacob O. Wobbrock, Brad A. Myers, Htet Htet Aung, and Edmund F. LoPresti. "Text Entry from Power Wheelchairs: EdgeWrite for Joysticks and Touchpads." The Sixth International ACM SIGCAPH Conference on Assistive Technologies: ASSETS 2004. October 18-20, 2004. Atlanta, GA. pp. 110-117. Winner, Best Paper Award. pdf
- Jeffrey Nichols, Brad A. Myers, Kevin Litwack, Michael Higgins, Joseph Hughes, Thomas K. Harris. "Describing Appliance User Interfaces Abstractly with XML," in Workshop on Developing User Interfaces with XML: Advances on User Interface Description Languages, Satellite Workshop at Advanced Visual Interfaces 2004. 25 May, 2004, Gallipoli, Italy. pp, 9-16. pdf
- Jacob O. Wobbrock, Brad A. Myers, and Htet Htet Aung. "Writing with a Joystick: A Comparison of Date Stamp, Selection Keyboard, and EdgeWrite," Graphics Interface GI'2004. Canadian Human-Computer Communications Society. May 17-19, 2004, London, Ontario, Canada. pp. 1-8. pdf
- Jacob O. Wobbrock, Brad A. Myers, and Htet Htet Aung. "Joystick Text Entry Using Date Stamp, Selection Keyboard, and EdgeWrite." Extended Abstracts CHI'2004: Human Factors in Computing Systems. (Poster Abstract). Vienna, Austria, April 24-29, 2004. p. 1550. pdf
- Jeffrey Nichols, Brad A. Myers and Kevin Litwack. "Improving Automatic Interface Generation with Smart Templates," IUI'04, Jan. 13-16, 2004, Madeira, Funchal, Portugal. pp. 286-288. pdf
- Jacob O. Wobbrock, Brad A. Myers, and John Kembel. "EdgeWrite: A stylus-based text entry method designed for high accuracy and stability of motion," Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, UIST'03, Nov. 2-5, 2003, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. pp. 61-70. pdf
- Jeffrey Nichols and Brad A. Myers, "Automatically Generating Interfaces for Multi-Device Environments" Ubicomp 2003 Workshop on Multi-Device Interfaces for Ubiquitous Peripheral Interaction. October 12, 2003. Seattle, WA. html.
- Jacob O. Wobbrock, Brad A. Myers, and Scott E. Hudson. "Exploring Edge-based Input Techniques for Handheld Text Entry". International Workshop on Smart Appliances and Wearable Computing. IWSAWC 2003. In the Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops (ICDCS'03). May 19-22, 2003, Providence, Rhode Island. pp. 280-282. pdf.
- Jeffrey Nichols and Brad A. Myers. "Studying The Use of Handhelds to Control Smart Appliances". International Workshop on Smart Appliances and Wearable Computing. IWSAWC 2003. In the Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops (ICDCS'03). May 19-22, 2003, Providence, Rhode Island. pp. 274-279. pdf
- Jacob O. Wobbrock. "The Benefits of Physical Edges in Gesture-Making: Empirical Support for an Edge-Based Unistroke Alphabet." Extended Abstracts of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '03). Ft. Lauderdale, FL, April 2003. pp. 942-943. pdf or ACM
- Jeffrey Nichols, Brad A. Myers, Michael Higgins, Joseph Hughes, Thomas K. Harris, Roni Rosenfeld, Kevin Litwack. "Personal Universal Controllers: Controlling Complex Appliances With GUIs and Speech," Extended Abstract CHI'2003: Human Factors in Computing Systems. (Demonstration Abstract). Fort Lauderdale, Florida, April 5-10, 2003. pp. 624-625. pdf
- Brad A. Myers, Jeffrey Nichols, Jacob O. Wobbrock, Kevin Litwack, Michael Higgins, Joe Hughes, Thomas K. Harris, Roni Rosenfeld, Mathilde Pignol. "Handheld Devices for Control". Human-Computer Interaction Consortium (HCIC'2003), Winter Park, CO, Feb 5-9, 2003. pdf
- Jacob O. Wobbrock, Jodi Forlizzi, Scott E. Hudson, Brad A. Myers, "WebThumb: Interaction Techniques for Small-Screen Browsers," CHI Letters: ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, UIST'02, 27-30 Oct. 2002, Paris, France. pp. 205-208. pdf
- Jeffrey Nichols, Brad A. Myers, Michael Higgins, Joe Hughes, Thomas K. Harris, Roni Rosenfeld, Mathilde Pignol. "Generating Remote Control Interfaces for Complex Appliances." CHI Letters: ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, UIST'02, 27-30 Oct. 2002, Paris, France. pp. 161-170. pdf
- Brad Myers, Robert Malkin, Michael Bett, Alex Waibel, Ben Bostwick, Robert C. Miller, Jie Yang, Matthias Denecke, Edgar Seemann, Jie Zhu, Choon Hong Peck, Dave Kong, Jeffrey Nichols, Bill Scherlis. "Flexi-modal and Multi-Machine User Interfaces," IEEE Fourth International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces, ICMI'02, Pittsburgh, PA. October 14-16, 2002. pp. 343-348. pdf
- Jeffrey Nichols, Brad Myers, Thomas K. Harris, Roni Rosenfeld, Stefanie Shriver, Michael Higgins, Joseph Hughes. "Requirements for Automatically Generating Multi-Modal Interfaces for Complex Appliances," IEEE Fourth International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces, ICMI'02. Pittsburgh, PA. October 14-16, 2002. pp. 377-382. pdf
- Brad A. Myers. "Mobile Devices for Control," The Fourth Symposium on Human-Computer Interaction for Mobile Devices, Mobile HCI'02. (Keynote speech), September 18-20, 2002, Pisa, Italy. pp. 1-8. pdf
- Brad A. Myers, Jacob O. Wobbrock, Sunny Yang, Brian Yeung, Jeffrey Nichols, and Robert Miller. "Using Handhelds to Help People with Motor Impairments," Fifth International ACM SIGCAPH Conference on Assistive Technologies; ASSETS 2002. July 8-10, 2002. Edinburgh, Scotland. pp. 89-96. pdf or html
- Jeffrey Nichols. "Informing Automatic Generation of Remote Control Interfaces with Human Designs" CHI'2002 Student Posters. Minneapolis, Minnesota, April 20-25, 2002. pp. 864-865. pdf
- Brad A. Myers, Rishi Bhatnagar, Jeffrey Nichols, Choon Hong Peck, Dave Kong, Robert Miller, and A. Chris Long. "Interacting At a Distance: Measuring the Performance of Laser Pointers and Other Devices." Proceedings CHI'2002: Human Factors in Computing Systems. Minneapolis, Minnesota, April 20-25, 2002. pp. 33-40. pdf
- Brad A. Myers and Jeffrey Nichols, "Communication Ubiquity Enables Ubiquitous Control." 'Boaster' for Human-Computer Interaction Consortium (HCIC'2002). Winter Park, CO, Feb, 2002. html
- Brad A. Myers, Choon Hong Peck, Jeffrey Nichols, Dave Kong, and Robert Miller, "Interacting At a Distance Using Semantic Snarfing," ACM UbiComp'2001, Sept 30 - Oct 2, 2001, Atlanta, Georgia. pp. 305-314. pdf
- Jeffrey W. Nichols. "Using Handhelds as Controls for Everyday Appliances: A Paper Prototype Study." ACM CHI'2001 Student Posters. Seattle, WA. March 31-April 5, 2001. pp. 443-444. pdf
- Choon Hong Peck, "Useful Parameters for the Design of Laser Pointer Interaction Techniques." ACM CHI'2001 Student Posters. Seattle, WA. March 31-April 5, 2001. pp. 461-462. pdf
- Jeffrey Nichols, Brad A. Myers, Rob Miller. "Personal Interfaces in Ubiquitous Environments". Workshop on Building the Ubiquitous Computing User Experience at CHI'2001, Seattle, WA. html
- Brad A. Myers, Jeff Nichols, Rob Miller. "User Interfaces that Span Hand-Held and Fixed Devices" Workshop on Distributed and Disappearing User Interfaces in Ubiquitous Computing at CHI'2001, Seattle, WA. Albrecht Schmidt, Peter Ljundgstrand, and Anind Dey, editors. University of Karlsruhe Faculty of Information Technical Report 2001-6. ISSN 1432-7864. html
- Brad A. Myers. "Using Multiple Devices Simultaneously for Display and Control." IEEE Personal Communications special issue on "Networking the Physical World." vol. 7, no. 5, Oct. 2000. pp. 62-65.
- Brad A. Myers. "Collaboration Using Multiple PDAs Connected to a PC," Workshop on Shared Environments to Support Face-to-Face Collaboration at CSCW'2000, Philadelphia, PA. html
- Brad A. Myers, Robert C. Miller, Benjamin Bostwick, and Carl Evankovich, "Extending the Windows Desktop Interface With Connected Handheld Computers," 4th USENIX Windows Systems Symposium, August 3-4, 2000, Seattle, WA. pp. 79-88. postscript or pdf.
- Franklin Chen, Brad Myers and David Yaron, Using Handheld Devices for Tests in Classes. Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science Technical Report, no. CMU-CS-00-152 and Human Computer Interaction Institute Technical Report CMU-HCII-00-101. July, 2000. pdf or postscript
- Brad Myers, "The Pebbles Project: Using PCs and Hand-held Computers Together; Demonstration Extended Abstract." Adjunct Proceedings CHI'2000: Human Factors in Computing Systems. April 1-6, 2000. The Hague, The Netherlands. pp. 14-15.
- Karen Cross and Adrienne Warmack. "Contextual Inquiry: Quantification and Use in Videotaped Analysis". (Student Poster) Adjunct Proceedings CHI'2000: Human Factors in Computing Systems. April 1-6, 2000. The Hague, The Netherlands. pp. 317-318. pdf.
- Brad Myers, Kin Pou Lie and Bo-Chieh ("Jerry") Yang, "Two-Handed Input Using a PDA and a Mouse", Proceedings CHI'2000: Human Factors in Computing Systems. April 1-6, 2000. The Hague, The Netherlands. pp. 41-48. postscript or pdf.
- Robert C. Miller and Brad A. Myers, "Synchronizing Clipboards of Multiple Computers," CHI Letters: ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, UIST'99, vol. 1, no. 1. November 7-10, 1999. Asheville, NC. pp. 65-66.
- Brad A. Myers. An Implementation Architecture to Support Single-Display Groupware. Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science Technical Report, no. CMU-CS-99-139 and Human Computer Interaction Institute Technical Report CMU-HCII-99-101. May, 1999. postscript or pdf
- Brad A. Myers, Herb Stiel, and Robert Gargiulo. "Collaboration Using Multiple PDAs Connected to a PC." Proceedings CSCW'98: ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, November 14-18, 1998, Seattle, WA. pp. 285-294. postscript or pdf
Submitted for Publication
- Ivan E. Gonzalez, Jacob O. Wobbrock, Duen Horng Chau,
Andrew Faulring, and Brad A. Myers, "Eyes on the Road, Hands on the
Wheel: Thumb-based Interaction Techniques for Input on Steering
- Jeffrey Nichols, Duen Horng Chau, Brad A. Myers, "Demonstrating the
Viability of Automatically Generated User Interfaces"
- Jacob O. Wobbrock, Duen Horng Chau and Brad A. Myers, "An Alternative
to Push, Press, and Tap-tap-tap: Gesturing on an Isometric Joystick
for Mobile Phone Text Entry"
- Jeffrey Nichols and Brad Myers. Report on the INCITS/V2 AIAP-URC Standard. 2004. pdf
- Karen Cross, Adrienne Warmack, and Brad Myers. "Lessons Learned: Using Contextual Inquiry Analysis to Improve PDA Control of Presentations". postscriptor pdf.
- Brad A. Myers, Yu Shan A. Chuang, Marsha Tjandra, Mon-chu Chen, and Chun-Kwok Lee. "Floor Control in a Highly Collaborative Co-Located Task." pdf or postscript.
Articles about the Pebbles project by others
- Ivanhoe Broadcast News, "Hi-Tech Typing", Discoveries and Breakthroughs in Science. (1:25 min. video and web story). October, 2005. html
- (TR Staff), "Write Steady", Technology Review, vol. 108, no. 8, August, 2005, p. 27. html
- Anne Watzman, "Myers and Wobbrock to Showcase Projects At Microsoft Research Tech Fair 2005". CMU Press Release. April 27, 2005. html and pictures
- ACM TechNews, "Taking Handheld Devices to the Next Level", Volume 7, Issue 744: Friday, January 21, 2005. html
- Christine Tomasino, "A Presenter's Friend" and "Handheld Software for Student Collaboration". For What It's $$Worth$$. Friday, January 21, 2005.
- Byron Spice, "Text with an edge," Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Monday, Nov. 29, 2004. p. A-6. html
- Aaron Ricadela, "Trying to Make the Pen as Mighty as the Keyboard," The New York Times, November 11, 2004. p. E5. html
- "Home is where the future is", The Economist, Sep 16, 2004. Print edition and on-line
- Calvin Leske, "The Pittsburg Pebbles PDA Project" [sic], The NSDL Scout Report for Math, Engineering, and Technology. Volume
2, Number 19, September 26, 2003. html
- Mark Boslet, "THE BIG IDEA: Microsoft Labs Searches For Legacy,"
Dow Jones Newswires, 22 September 2003.
- Kim Peterson. "Inventions' wonderful world on display at Microsoft
fair," Seattle Times. Wednesday, July 30, 2003. pp. E-1 and
E-3. html
- Microsoft PressPass Press Release, "It's Academic: Microsoft Research
Collaboration Projects Fuel Technology Innovation at Universities".
Redmond, Wash., July 28, 2003. html
- Kimberly Patch, "Handhelds Gain Space," Technology
Research News, February 26/March 5, 2003, p. 4. html
- Dan Gillmore, "Dan Gillmor: Designing new handhelds to improve
human-computer interaction," SiliconValley.Com; The San Jose Mercury
News, April 9, 2003. html
- Walter McKenzie, "PDAs in the Classroom," Innovative
Teaching Newsletter, Vol. 5, no. 15, January 6, 2003, html
- Ann Light, "Pebbles Project connects PDAs up Smartly,", 17 December 2002. html
- Michael Yeomans, "CMU Scientists Improving Computers' People Skills,"
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, Tuesday, October 22, 2002. pages B7, B10.
- WPXI, Channel 11 news at 11:00pm on October 15, 2002. (Includes a brief
shot of Jeff and a PUC interface). mpg
- Mike Crissey, "Designers Work on All-in-One Remote,"
Associated Press, August 27, 2002. html
- John Zyskowski, "Handhands in a new world order," Federal
Computer Week, March 18, 2002.
- Catherine Zandonella, "How to Snarf with the Geeks,"
New Scientist, London, October 6, 2001, p. 24.
- Jennie Borodko Stack, "Palm Pilot Connects Girl with Classroom,"
QUEST, Volume 8, Number 1, February 2001.
- Paul Beebe, "Software Marketed to trade under CMU brand name,"
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, vol. 112, no. 285, Nov. 14, 2000.